Sitting Checklist


Sitting Checklist

Tips for the Sitting Day for Parents

When using a babysitter for the first time, it's important to go over various details. Make sure the babysitter arrives 10-15 minutes before the sitting starts for this discussion.

You can use the following points as a guide for your discussion:

Topics to Discuss with the Babysitter

  • Exchange emergency contact information with the babysitter and ensure that you can always stay in touch with them in case of emergencies such as sudden illness or natural disasters. If mobile or landline phones are difficult to reach during a disaster, use the messaging function on the CareFinder platform to maintain communication.
  • If your child has any medical conditions or a history of illness (such as allergies, asthma, seizures, etc.), be sure to inform the babysitter in advance. Provide as much detail as possible about the type of allergies, including food, animals, pollen, etc., through the CareFinder platform.
  • Daily schedule (estimated return time, activities for your child, the day's babysitting schedule).
  • Handing over keys (even if you don't plan to go out, give the babysitter a key in case of emergency).
  • Rooms to be used for babysitting and rooms that are off-limits.
  • Operating instructions for appliances like air conditioning, TV, and audio systems.
  • Location of health insurance cards and first aid kits.
  • Handling phone calls and visitors while you're away.

For safety, make sure to store away valuables and any potentially dangerous items before the babysitter arrives.

About Your Child


    • Last feeding time and amount, next feeding time, feeding intervals.
    • Instructions for preparing formula (mixing, amount, preferred temperature).
    • How to clean and sterilize bottles.

    Meals & Snacks

    • Menu, time, preparation method, utensils to be used.
    • What foods your children likes/dislikes.
    • Allergies.
    • What to do with leftovers.


    • Diaper storage, use, accessories.
    • How to dispose of dirty diapers.
    • Your children’s bathroom habits.
    • Whether or not the sitter should accompany potty-training children to the bathroom or wait outside. 


    • Bath time.
    • Bath facilities, accessories (soap, towels, etc.).


    • Location of clothes.
    • What to do with dirty clothes.


    • Nap time, bed time.
    • Habits or routines before sleeping.


    • Favorite activities or toys.
    • Family rules concerning TV, video games, etc.
    • Places and times for outdoor play or walks.
    • Instructions and location of strollers or outdoor clothing.

    Health Care

    • Your children’s current health status, mood, other information.
    • Any specific directions regarding administration of medication

    Other Matters

    • Any additional tasks you would like the babysitter to handle besides caring for your child.
    • Other particular matters, requests.

Important Reminders During Sitting

  • Even while your child is with the babysitter, check in regularly via phone or email to stay updated on how they’re doing.
  • If you’re having the babysitter watch your child in a location other than your home, be sure to check the environment beforehand.
  • If you plan to monitor the sitting through a baby monitor installed at your home, or to record the sitting with a camera or video, be sure to get the babysitter’s consent in advance. Avoid setting up monitors in bathrooms, dressing rooms, or toilets, and only use monitors for checking on the sitting, respecting the babysitter’s privacy.
  • Do not share any images or videos taken during the sitting on social media without the babysitter’s permission.
  • Only the parent or a designated adult should pick up the child from the babysitter, and never leave the child alone.
  • When picking up your child from the babysitter, be sure to ask for a report on how the day went.
  • After the babysitting session, ask your child what they played or did during the day to get a sense of how their time went.
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