Membership Plan


Membership Plan
 Basic MembershipPremium Membership
PaymentFree2,980 Yen + Tax/ Month
Babysitter SearchSearch and check all registered babysitters’ profile on CareFinderSearch and check all registered babysitters’ profile on CareFinder
Post a JobPost jobs to find which sitters suit your needs.Send job requests to qualified babysitters to find the right sitter for your kids.
Message Babysitters---Message the sitters to discuss the basics of what you are looking for and to see if they would be a good match.
Write ReviewsRead other parents’ reviews of all sitters to find a potential sitter.Read and write reviews of your sitters to contribute to the CareFinder community.
Babysitting Insurance---Liability Insurance is automatically available, to premium members for scheduled jobs, to protect your family in case of accidents that might occur to your child or property while babysitting.
Unlimited Support You can receive support from our CareFinder Support Team, during operating hours, to help you find the right sitter.
Mobile AppAccess to some of the features of the mobile app.Access to all features of the mobile app.
  • The minimum period of Premium Membership plan is one month.
  • The monthly payment is charged automatically on the contract day or renewal day.
  • If you would like to discontinue Premium Membership Plan, please pause your membership plan within the current payment period.
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