Get more applications from babysitters!

Ready to Find the Best Sitter for Your Family?

Get more applications from babysitters!

CareFinder is a babysitting matching site that helps families in Japan find quality babysitters. As a matching site, CareFinder bridges that gap between qualified sitters and parents in need by making it easy for families to search our community of babysitters. As a premium member, you can easily post jobs, receive applications and hire a sitter on your own schedule and terms. In order to help you find the best sitter for your family, we've put together all of our tips on how to write and post jobs to get the most applications from babysitters on the site.

1. Make sure your job post is Public

Don't worry, a public job is only viewable by registered CareFinder babysitters that have been screened and interviewed by the CareFinder team. Posting a public job (instead of an invite only or individual job) increases your job visibility and allows you to receive the maximum responses from babysitters interested in applying to your job.
*For public jobs we currently have a "Money Back Guarantee "campaign. If your public job doesn't receive any applications after a week from the post, we will refund your monthly membership fee.

Job Type 2


2. Write an effective title and clear description for your job post

A good job title is both short and descriptive. Listing keywords from your job description is a great way to catch potential babysitters’ attention while also filtering out babysitters who do not fit the description. A good example is “Azabu-juban, 5 and 8 year old girls, pick up from bus stop and looking after at their home.” In the description, write out what the job entails and be as clear and precise as possible. For example, “looking for someone to pick up my daughters from the bus stop after school everyday. Need that person to help the girls with homework and cook dinner as well. Japanese and English babysitter preferred.” We suggest avoiding using words like "must" and instead use words like "prefer" in describing your desired babysitter qualities. We also suggest avoiding using words like "native-English sitters" in your job title or description since all of our non-Japanese babysitters speak English. Once you receive your job applications, you can determine whether the sitter's English abilities are up to par with what you are looking for.



3. Invite babysitters to your job

Whether the job is Public or Invite Only, you always have the option to invite individual babysitters. For Public jobs, all babysitters are able to search your job and contact or apply to the job if they are interested in it. However, by selecting to invite babysitters, you will increase your job visibility as invited babysitters will receive a notification. When inviting babysitters to your job, take note of their area coverage. If the sitter is located in Osaka and you are in Tokyo, inviting them will not result in more applications.


The greater the clarity and visibility of your job post, the more applications you will receive from quality babysitters. And the more job applications you receive, the more likely you are able to find a babysitter that is just right for your family! At CareFinder, we value your freedom to choose the right sitter for you and your family. That's why we don't assign any available sitter to you.
At CareFinder, we are committed to meeting all of your babysitting needs whether you are looking for just an evening babysitter, an international babysitter, a hotel babysitter, a weekend babysitter, an overnight babysitter, a great au pair or a summer babysitter. If you have any questions or need any guidance with the job hiring process, please contact the CareFinder team at We are happy to help!
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