Disaster Preparedness in Tokyo
Disaster Preparedness in Tokyo
It won't come as a surprise to anyone who's lived in Japan for more than a few weeks, but there is no "earthquake season" here! Earthquakes can happen any time of year, any time of day — and they do, often! Some estimates put the total per year at more than 1,500, or about 4 every day. While most of these earthquakes are pretty inconsequential, there is no predicting when a big one will occur, though some say one is "due." Your best bet is to be as well-prepared as possible in the event one does.
This is why, every September 1, Japan recognizes 防災の日 or Disaster Prevention Day. It's meant to serve as an annual reminder to ensure your family is ready should a disaster — earthquake or otherwise — arise.
CareFinder has shared tips and resources in the past (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) We encourage you to reread each for helpful insights and check out the below events and activities.
Read the Red Cross' Emergency Resource Library
Disaster Preparedness shouldn't be a chore. Have fun making sure your family is ready with these fun activities from the Red Cross.
Download the NHK World App for earthquake and tsunami alerts
Disaster Preparedness Experience for Foreigners
Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center
2nd Sunday of Every Month
Yoyogi Park Events Square
September 2 and September 3