How Far is Too Far? Please check your commute time and location for the job before applying!

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How Far is Too Far? Please check your commute time and location for the job before applying!


While having a great schedule that matches yours may be your highest priority when looking into babysitting jobs, it is important to consider where the family is located before applying!

It is quite common to take on jobs that are an hour to 90 minutes commute.



If you are in a time crunch, please give yourself enough time to get to each destination. As there may be train delays or traffic that are unpredictable. 

For example, when trying to fit in a job between classes in the morning and working at a restaurant at night, it is important to research if it is realistic to take on a job by considering where it is located.

It will come off unprofessional if you have applied to a job and cancelled your application afterwards due to commuting time. 

Please make sure to check where the nearest location is for the job and calculate how much time it will take from where you will be coming from or need to go to afterwards. 

Are you comfortable with the commute time and transfers? 

Yes? Apply to the job! 

Tip when applying to jobs near you: 
If you happen to live close to the job, we highly recommend writing it in your application! If it is walking or biking distance, let them know that you don't need transportation fee. Most families love having a babysitter in their neighborhood! 

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